2024 calendar currently under review

We don't have any official Club events scheduled for 2024 as there is a vacancy for someone to takeover the running of our events calendar. However, we are aware of the following events which may be of interest to you and which would be an opportunity to get a few Metropolitans together, meet other members and fly the Club flag, as it were.

The Great British Car Journey motor museum in Ambergate, Derbyshire, is holding an Austin Extravaganza on Sunday April 14th with entry to the museum being discounted to £10 per person for anyone arriving in an Austin vehicle from any era. The discounted rate only applies to pre-booked tickets so anyone arriving without having booked in advance will have to pay £15.

The admission charge covers admission to the museum and all facilities including the café and gift shop. All attending Austin vehicles will be presented with a commemorative plaque.

Although never badged as such, the Metropolitan was built at the Austin plant in Longbridge so it would be good to get a few of our cars there if anyone fancies making it a Club event.

You can find out more at the Great British Car Journey website at and clicking on the Events tab or by calling them on 01773 317243. 

Also, Sywell Aerodrome in Northamptonshire is holding its popular Sywell Classic Pistons & Props event over the weekend of the 21st and 22nd September and would be happy to offer us a Club stand subject to a confirmed minimum of five cars being able to attend.. The cost is £10 per car per day for advance bookings. This event is being organised by Club member Karen Walker so please give her your support and try to attend. You can find out more at or give Karen a call on 07734 679407

What would you like to see on our event calendar?

We want to see more of you and your mets (both in quantity and regularity!).

So please contact us at with your ideas for events you want to take part in.

Interested in hosting an event?

We'd love to hear from you! We're only a small team of volunteers running this club, so if you've got an idea that you would like to bring to life yourself then that's fantastic! Drop us a line and lets make it happen.

If you can't run it yourself, but have a great idea then please still get in contact though!